That painting is really remarkable, with its extremely naturalistic car and people in the foreground, and a background that almost feels like analytical cubism, but you know, creepy. Those trees, the rocks, the leaden sky, that moon – it feels cold and damp and there’s very strong suggestion that there are warewolves about, lurking hungrily, waiting for some delicious snacks to be delivered in a Dart Phoenix, the highest-spec Dart, complete with those bifocal-like reverse lamps flanking the license plate and all the chrome bits Chrysler could stick to sheet metal. I hope those people drive out of there quick. I have a bad feeling about that place. My 2011 Outback has this little blue light up on the ceiling among the map lights and sunroof controls. This tiny light softly illuminates the gear selector and control stack when the headlights are on. It’s a nice, non-intrusive way to make radio and HVAC controls visible at night. I haven’t been in enough cars to know how widespread use of a light like this is, but my dad had a Honda of a similar vintage and I believe it also had one. I’d be curious to know when manufacturers started using these lights, who was the first, how widespread they are, and if they’re still used with the introduction of infotainment screens? Seems like a topic Autopian writers would love digging into and readers would love learning about. That era of Nissan Rogue also had a blower motor that mice absolutely go bananas for. I don’t know what was in the design that did that, but mice were taking out one a month while they owned it. I miss that car. I don’t miss working on that car.